The development of Scouts in Indonesia (from Jadul to Modern)

The period of the Dutch East Indies
The fact history shows that Indonesian youth have a "stake" in the great struggle for Indonesian independence movement as well as existing and the development of Indonesia's national scouting education. In the educational development of scouting it seems the drive and passion to unite, but there are symptoms of organizational Bhinneka.
Scouting organizations in Indonesia was started by a branch of "Nederlandse Organisatie Padvinders" (NPO) in 1912, which at the time of the outbreak of World War I has its own large Kwartir and later changed its name to "Nederlands-Indische Vereeniging Padvinders" (NIPV) in 1916.
Scouting organization initiated by the Indonesian nation is Javaanse Padvinders Organisatie; stand on the initiative of SP Mangkunegara VII in 1916.
The fact that Scouting is interchange with the national movement, as mentioned above can be considered on a "Padvinder Muhammadiyah" which in 1920 changed its name to "Hisbul Wathon" (HW); "Nationale Padvinderij" established by Budi Utomo; Sarekat Islam founded the "Sarekat Afdeling Padvinderij Islam "which later changed to" Islamic Sarekat Afdeling Pandu "and better known as SIAP, Nationale Islamietishe Padvinderij (NATIPIJ) was established by Bond Islamieten Jong (JIB) and Indonesisch Padvinders Nationale Organisatie (INPO) was established by the Youth of Indonesia.
Scouting organizations united desire for Indonesia at that time appeared to start with the formation of PAPI that is "Brotherhood Between Pandu Indonesia" is a federation of Pandu Nationality, INPO, READY, NATIPIJ and PPS on May 23, 1928.
This federation can not last long, because the intention of fusion, resulting in 1930 stood Scout Nation Indonesia (KBI), which was pioneered by the leaders of Jong Java Padvinders / Pandu Nationality (JJP / PK), INPO and PPS (JJP-Jong Java Padvinderij); PK-Pandu Nationality).
PAPI later developed into the Central Indonesian Scout Brotherhood (BPPKI) in April 1938.
Between the years 1928-1935 Indonesian bermuncullah good scouting movement that breathes main nationality or religion breathing. scouting that breathing can be noted Pandu nationality Indonesia (PI), Padvinders Organisatie Pasundan (POP), Pandu Sultanate (PK), Ray Pandu We (SPK) and Scout Rakyat Indonesia (KRI). While the breathing religion Ansor Pandu, Al Wathoni, Hizbul Wathon, Scout Islam Indonesia (Kii), Islamitische Padvinders Organisatie (IPO), Tri Darma (Christian), Catholic principle Scout Indonesia (LEG), Scout AD Indonesia (KMI).
In an effort to build unity and unity, the BPS Indonesia BPPKI Scout Brotherhood plan "All Indonesian Jamboree." This plan had some good changes in execution time and name of activity, which then agreed to be replaced with "Camp Scout Indonesia Oemoem" abbreviated PERKINO and executed on December 19 to 23 July 1941 in Yogyakarta.
Dai Nippon future Army
"Dai Nippon"! That name used to refer to Japan at that time. During World War II, Japanese troops entered the attack and the Dutch left Indonesia. Party organizations and the people of Indonesia, including the scouting movement, banned from standing. But efforts to organize PERKINO II remain to be done. Not only that, the spirit of scouting still burning in the chest the anggotanya.Karena Scout is a high-value organizations that menjungjung persatuan.Oleh that's why Japanese people do not allow scouts still born in the earth's motherland.
Period of the Republic of Indonesia
A month after the proclamation of independence of the Republic of Indonesia, some scouting leaders gathered in Yogyakarta and agreed to form a unitary Scout Committee for Indonesia as a working committee, showing the formation of a scouting organization container for the entire Indonesian nation and immediately held a Unity Congress Scout Indonesia.
Congress intended, held on 27-29 December 1945 in Surakarta with the formation of Pandu Rakyat Indonesia. Society is supported by the entire leadership and character and strengthened with "Promise Institute of Way", and the government of Indonesia recognizes as the only scouting organization that is determined by the decision of the Minister of Education and Culture No.93/Bag. A, dated February 1, 1947.
Difficult years faced by Pandu Rakyat Indonesia since the Dutch invasion. Even in commemoration of independence held August 17, 1948 when a bonfire in the yard of the East Pegangsaan 56, Jakarta, Netherlands weapons to threaten and force Soeprapto face God, fall as Pandu, as a patriot who proved his love of country, homeland and nation. In areas occupied by the Dutch, the People are prohibited from standing Pandu,. This situation encourages the establishment of other associations such as the Scout Putera Indonesia (KPI), Pandu Puteri Indonesia (PPI), Scout Indonesia Muda (KIM).
The period of armed struggle to defend our beloved country is the devotion also for members of the scouting movement in Indonesia, then ended the period of armed struggle to enforce and keep the independence that, at this time that Pandu Rakyat Indonesia, held a second congress in Yogyakarta on 20-22 January 1950.
Congress, among others, decided to accept the new conception, which gives the opportunity for special classes for former menghidupakan back their respective organizations and opened an opportunity that Pandu Rakyat Indonesia is no longer the only scouting organization in Indonesia with the decision of the Minister of PP and K number 2344 / Kab. dated 6 September 1951 dicabutlah government's recognition that the Scout Rakyat Indonesia is the only container scouting in Indonesia, so the decision 93/Bag number. A dated February 1, 1947 was over already.
Maybe a bit strange too, if direnungi, for ten days after the decision of the Minister No. 2334/Kab. it out, then the representatives of organizations engaged in acts of scouting Why did konfersensi in Jakarta. At this moment, exactly on 16 September 1951 decided upon the establishment of Scout Association of Indonesia (IPINDO) as a federation.
In 1953 Ipindo succeeded in becoming a member of the worldwide scouting
Ipindo scouting organization is a federation for the son, while for daughters, there are two federal organizations that PKPI (Scout Association of Puteri Indonesia) and POPPINDO (Unity Organization of Pandu Puteri Indonesia). Both these federations together ever welcoming haven Lady Baden-Powell to Indonesia, the trip to Australia.
In the Proclamation of Independence Day is the 10th National Jamboree held Ipindo, held at Ragunan, Sunday Market on December 10 to 20 August 1955, Jakarta.
Ipindo as container activities as scouting feel the need to hold seminars for Facebook to picture the effort to ensure the purity and preservation of life scouting. This seminar was held at the Tugu, Bogor in January 1957.
Seminar This monument was to produce a formula that is expected to be a reference for every scouting movement in Indonesia. It is expected to pramukaan that there can be united. A year later in the month of Novem-ber 1958, the Government of Indonesia, in this case the Ministry of PP and K held a seminar in Ciloto, Bogor, West Java, the topic of "Penasionalan Scout."
If Jamboree for son held in Ragunan-Pasar Minggu Jakarta, the camp held a large PKPI daughter called Semanggi Village located at Ciputat. Semanggi Village was implemented in 1959. In this year also Ipindo send kontingennya to the World Jamboree in MT. Makiling Philippines.
Now, years later is a time-period before the birth of the Scout Movement.
The birth of the Scout Movement
Background of the Birth of the Scout Movement
Scout Movement was born in 1961, so if you would listen to the background of the birth of the Scout Movement, one needs to assess the situation, events and events around the year 1960.
From the expressions that have been presented in front we see that the number of clubs scouting in Indonesia at that time very much. The amount is not sepandan with the total number of members of the assembly that.
Regulations arising during this pioneering MPRS Decree No. II/MPRS/1960, 3 December 1960 on national development plans Planning Universe. In this ordinance can be found in Article 330. C. which states that basic education in the field scouting is the Pancasila. Beyond the control of scouting (Article 741) and education scouting so intensified and approve the Government plans to establish a Boy Scout (Article 349 Paragraph 30). Then scouting so that freed from the remnants of Lord Baden Powellisme (Appendix C Section 8).
The decision gives the government the obligation to implement them. That's why Pesiden / Mandatory Assembly on March 9, 1961 to collect the figures and leaders of scouting movement Indonesia, held at the State Palace. On Thursday night was the President revealed that the existing scouting must be renewed, methods and educational activities should be replaced, the entire scouting organizations that have merged into one called the Boy Scouts. The President also appointed committee consisting of Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX, the Minister of P and K Prof. Prijono, Minister of Agriculture Dr.A. Aziz Saleh and the Minister of Transmigration, Cooperatives and Rural Community Development, Achmadi. The committee would need something endorsement. And then was published Presidential Decree No.112 of 1961 dated April 5, 1961, regarding the Committee Executive Assistant Scout formation with the membership as it is called by the President on March 9, 1961.
There is a difference between the term or task committee the President's speech by a Presidential Decree that.
Still in April of that as well, come out, Presidential Decree No. 121 of 1961 dated April 11, 1961 on the Establishment Committee of the Scout Movement. Members of this committee consisting of Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX, Prof. Prijono, Dr. A. Aziz Saleh, Achmadi and Muljadi Djojo Martono (Minister of Social Affairs).
The committee is then process the Scout Association, as an Annex to Presidential Decree No. 238 of 1961, dated 20 May 1961 concerning the Scout Movement.
The birth of the Scout Movement
Scout Movement was marked by a series of interrelated events, namely:
1. Speech of President / Mandatory Assembly before the leaders and the leaders who represent the scouting organization listed in Indonesia on March 9, 1961 at the State Palace. This event came to be called as DAY SHOOTS BOY SCOUT MOVEMENT
2. Issuance of Presidential Decree No. 238 of 1961, dated May 20, 1961, concerning the Scout Movement which set the Scout Movement as the only organization assigned scouting scouting education for children and youth in Indonesia, and ratify the Articles of Association scouts who offered guidance, instructions and guidance for the managers of the Scout Movement in carrying out their duties. On 20 May is: National Awakening Day, but for the Scout Movement has a special meaning and is a milestone for environmental education in the third. This event came to be called as DAY THE BEGINNING OF WORK.
3. Statement representatives scouting organization in Indonesia that with sincerity merge into the Scout organization, conducted at the Senayan Sports Palace on July 30, 1961. The incident was later referred to as a pledge DAY SCOUT MOVEMENT.
4. Inaugural Mapinas, Kwarnas and Kwarnari at the State Palace, followed by a procession Scouts to be introduced to the public, which is preceded by Panji-Panji conferment of the Scout Movement, and all of which occurred on August 14, 1961. This event came to be called as DAY BOY SCOUT.
Introduced Scout Movement
Speech the President on March 9, 1961 also outline for the Proclamation of Independence memorial scouts have been there and known by the public. Therefore RI Presidential Decree No.238 of 1961 there should be supporting the board and its members.
According to the Articles of Association of the Scout Movement, the leader of this association is held by the National Leadership Council (MAPINAS) in which there are national scouts and National Kwartir Daily.
Central Executive Board is symbolically sacred figures compiled by taking a 17-8-'45, which is composed of Mapinas up to 45 people of whom sat in Kwarnas 17 people and in Kwarnasri 8 people.
However, in its realization as such in the Republic of Indonesia Presidential Decree No.447 of 1961, dated August 14, 1961 Mapinas number of members to 70 people with the details of the 70 members of the 17 people of whom as members Kwarnas and 8 people among members of this Kwarnas Kwarnari membership.
Mapinas chaired by Dr. Ir. Sukarno, President with Vice Chairman of I, lane II, IX and Vice Chairman Brigadier General Dr.A. Aziz Saleh.
Meanwhile in Kwarnas, lane IX serves as Chairman and Brigadier General Dr.A. Aziz Saleh as Vice Chairman and Chief Kwarnari.
Scout Movement was officially intro
The development of Scouts in Indonesia (from Jadul to Modern)
The period of the Dutch East Indies
The fact history shows that Indonesian youth have a "stake" in the great struggle for Indonesian independence movement as well as existing and the development of Indonesia's national scouting education. In the educational development of scouting it seems the drive and passion to unite, but there are symptoms of organizational Bhinneka.
Scouting organizations in Indonesia was started by a branch of "Nederlandse Organisatie Padvinders" (NPO) in 1912, which at the time of the outbreak of World War I has its own large Kwartir and later changed its name to "Nederlands-Indische Vereeniging Padvinders" (NIPV) in 1916.
Scouting organization initiated by the Indonesian nation is Javaanse Padvinders Organisatie; stand on the initiative of SP Mangkunegara VII in 1916.
The fact that Scouting is interchange with the national movement, as mentioned above can be considered on a "Padvinder Muhammadiyah" which in 1920 changed its name to "Hisbul Wathon" (HW); "Nationale Padvinderij" established by Budi Utomo; Sarekat Islam founded the "Sarekat Afdeling Padvinderij Islam "which later changed to" Islamic Sarekat Afdeling Pandu "and better known as SIAP, Nationale Islamietishe Padvinderij (NATIPIJ) was established by Bond Islamieten Jong (JIB) and Indonesisch Padvinders Nationale Organisatie (INPO) was established by the Youth of Indonesia.
Scouting organizations united desire for Indonesia at that time appeared to start with the formation of PAPI that is "Brotherhood Between Pandu Indonesia" is a federation of Pandu Nationality, INPO, READY, NATIPIJ and PPS on May 23, 1928.
This federation can not last long, because the intention of fusion, resulting in 1930 stood Scout Nation Indonesia (KBI), which was pioneered by the leaders of Jong Java Padvinders / Pandu Nationality (JJP / PK), INPO and PPS (JJP-Jong Java Padvinderij); PK-Pandu Nationality).
PAPI later developed into the Central Indonesian Scout Brotherhood (BPPKI) in April 1938.
Between the years 1928-1935 Indonesian bermuncullah good scouting movement that breathes main nationality or religion breathing. scouting that breathing can be noted Pandu nationality Indonesia (PI), Padvinders Organisatie Pasundan (POP), Pandu Sultanate (PK), Ray Pandu We (SPK) and Scout Rakyat Indonesia (KRI). While the breathing religion Ansor Pandu, Al Wathoni, Hizbul Wathon, Scout Islam Indonesia (Kii), Islamitische Padvinders Organisatie (IPO), Tri Darma (Christian), Catholic principle Scout Indonesia (LEG), Scout AD Indonesia (KMI).
In an effort to build unity and unity, the BPS Indonesia BPPKI Scout Brotherhood plan "All Indonesian Jamboree." This plan had some good changes in execution time and name of activity, which then agreed to be replaced with "Camp Scout Indonesia Oemoem" abbreviated PERKINO and executed on December 19 to 23 July 1941 in Yogyakarta.
Dai Nippon future Army
"Dai Nippon"! That name used to refer to Japan at that time. During World War II, Japanese troops entered the attack and the Dutch left Indonesia. Party organizations and the people of Indonesia, including the scouting movement, banned from standing. But efforts to organize PERKINO II remain to be done. Not only that, the spirit of scouting still burning in the chest the anggotanya.Karena Scout is a high-value organizations that menjungjung persatuan.Oleh that's why Japanese people do not allow scouts still born in the earth's motherland.
Period of the Republic of Indonesia
A month after the proclamation of independence of the Republic of Indonesia, some scouting leaders gathered in Yogyakarta and agreed to form a unitary Scout Committee for Indonesia as a working committee, showing the formation of a scouting organization container for the entire Indonesian nation and immediately held a Unity Congress Scout Indonesia.
Congress intended, held on 27-29 December 1945 in Surakarta with the formation of Pandu Rakyat Indonesia. Society is supported by the entire leadership and character and strengthened with "Promise Institute of Way", and the government of Indonesia recognizes as the only scouting organization that is determined by the decision of the Minister of Education and Culture No.93/Bag. A, dated February 1, 1947.
Difficult years faced by Pandu Rakyat Indonesia since the Dutch invasion. Even in commemoration of independence held August 17, 1948 when a bonfire in the yard of the East Pegangsaan 56, Jakarta, Netherlands weapons to threaten and force Soeprapto face God, fall as Pandu, as a patriot who proved his love of country, homeland and nation. In areas occupied by the Dutch, the People are prohibited from standing Pandu,. This situation encourages the establishment of other associations such as the Scout Putera Indonesia (KPI), Pandu Puteri Indonesia (PPI), Scout Indonesia Muda (KIM).
The period of armed struggle to defend our beloved country is the devotion also for members of the scouting movement in Indonesia, then ended the period of armed struggle to enforce and keep the independence that, at this time that Pandu Rakyat Indonesia, held a second congress in Yogyakarta on 20-22 January 1950.
Congress, among others, decided to accept the new conception, which gives the opportunity for special classes for former menghidupakan back their respective organizations and opened an opportunity that Pandu Rakyat Indonesia is no longer the only scouting organization in Indonesia with the decision of the Minister of PP and K number 2344 / Kab. dated 6 September 1951 dicabutlah government's recognition that the Scout Rakyat Indonesia is the only container scouting in Indonesia, so the decision 93/Bag number. A dated February 1, 1947 was over already.
Maybe a bit strange too, if direnungi, for ten days after the decision of the Minister No. 2334/Kab. it out, then the representatives of organizations engaged in acts of scouting Why did konfersensi in Jakarta. At this moment, exactly on 16 September 1951 decided upon the establishment of Scout Association of Indonesia (IPINDO) as a federation.
In 1953 Ipindo succeeded in becoming a member of the worldwide scouting
Ipindo scouting organization is a federation for the son, while for daughters, there are two federal organizations that PKPI (Scout Association of Puteri Indonesia) and POPPINDO (Unity Organization of Pandu Puteri Indonesia). Both these federations together ever welcoming haven Lady Baden-Powell to Indonesia, the trip to Australia.
In the Proclamation of Independence Day is the 10th National Jamboree held Ipindo, held at Ragunan, Sunday Market on December 10 to 20 August 1955, Jakarta.
Ipindo as container activities as scouting feel the need to hold seminars for Facebook to picture the effort to ensure the purity and preservation of life scouting. This seminar was held at the Tugu, Bogor in January 1957.
Seminar This monument was to produce a formula that is expected to be a reference for every scouting movement in Indonesia. It is expected to pramukaan that there can be united. A year later in the month of Novem-ber 1958, the Government of Indonesia, in this case the Ministry of PP and K held a seminar in Ciloto, Bogor, West Java, the topic of "Penasionalan Scout."
If Jamboree for son held in Ragunan-Pasar Minggu Jakarta, the camp held a large PKPI daughter called Semanggi Village located at Ciputat. Semanggi Village was implemented in 1959. In this year also Ipindo send kontingennya to the World Jamboree in MT. Makiling Philippines.
Now, years later is a time-period before the birth of the Scout Movement.
The birth of the Scout Movement
Background of the Birth of the Scout Movement
Scout Movement was born in 1961, so if you would listen to the background of the birth of the Scout Movement, one needs to assess the situation, events and events around the year 1960.
From the expressions that have been presented in front we see that the number of clubs scouting in Indonesia at that time very much. The amount is not sepandan with the total number of members of the assembly that.
Regulations arising during this pioneering MPRS Decree No. II/MPRS/1960, 3 December 1960 on national development plans Planning Universe. In this ordinance can be found in Article 330. C. which states that basic education in the field scouting is the Pancasila. Beyond the control of scouting (Article 741) and education scouting so intensified and approve the Government plans to establish a Boy Scout (Article 349 Paragraph 30). Then scouting so that freed from the remnants of Lord Baden Powellisme (Appendix C Section 8).
The decision gives the government the obligation to implement them. That's why Pesiden / Mandatory Assembly on March 9, 1961 to collect the figures and leaders of scouting movement Indonesia, held at the State Palace. On Thursday night was the President revealed that the existing scouting must be renewed, methods and educational activities should be replaced, the entire scouting organizations that have merged into one called the Boy Scouts. The President also appointed committee consisting of Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX, the Minister of P and K Prof. Prijono, Minister of Agriculture Dr.A. Aziz Saleh and the Minister of Transmigration, Cooperatives and Rural Community Development, Achmadi. The committee would need something endorsement. And then was published Presidential Decree No.112 of 1961 dated April 5, 1961, regarding the Committee Executive Assistant Scout formation with the membership as it is called by the President on March 9, 1961.
There is a difference between the term or task committee the President's speech by a Presidential Decree that.
Still in April of that as well, come out, Presidential Decree No. 121 of 1961 dated April 11, 1961 on the Establishment Committee of the Scout Movement. Members of this committee consisting of Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX, Prof. Prijono, Dr. A. Aziz Saleh, Achmadi and Muljadi Djojo Martono (Minister of Social Affairs).
The committee is then process the Scout Association, as an Annex to Presidential Decree No. 238 of 1961, dated 20 May 1961 concerning the Scout Movement.
The birth of the Scout Movement
Scout Movement was marked by a series of interrelated events, namely:
1. Speech of President / Mandatory Assembly before the leaders and the leaders who represent the scouting organization listed in Indonesia on March 9, 1961 at the State Palace. This event came to be called as DAY SHOOTS BOY SCOUT MOVEMENT
2. Issuance of Presidential Decree No. 238 of 1961, dated May 20, 1961, concerning the Scout Movement which set the Scout Movement as the only organization assigned scouting scouting education for children and youth in Indonesia, and ratify the Articles of Association scouts who offered guidance, instructions and guidance for the managers of the Scout Movement in carrying out their duties. On 20 May is: National Awakening Day, but for the Scout Movement has a special meaning and is a milestone for environmental education in the third. This event came to be called as DAY THE BEGINNING OF WORK.
3. Statement representatives scouting organization in Indonesia that with sincerity merge into the Scout organization, conducted at the Senayan Sports Palace on July 30, 1961. The incident was later referred to as a pledge DAY SCOUT MOVEMENT.
4. Inaugural Mapinas, Kwarnas and Kwarnari at the State Palace, followed by a procession Scouts to be introduced to the public, which is preceded by Panji-Panji conferment of the Scout Movement, and all of which occurred on August 14, 1961. This event came to be called as DAY BOY SCOUT.
Introduced Scout Movement
Speech the President on March 9, 1961 also outline for the Proclamation of Independence memorial scouts have been there and known by the public. Therefore RI Presidential Decree No.238 of 1961 there should be supporting the board and its members.
According to the Articles of Association of the Scout Movement, the leader of this association is held by the National Leadership Council (MAPINAS) in which there are national scouts and National Kwartir Daily.
Central Executive Board is symbolically sacred figures compiled by taking a 17-8-'45, which is composed of Mapinas up to 45 people of whom sat in Kwarnas 17 people and in Kwarnasri 8 people.
However, in its realization as such in the Republic of Indonesia Presidential Decree No.447 of 1961, dated August 14, 1961 Mapinas number of members to 70 people with the details of the 70 members of the 17 people of whom as members Kwarnas and 8 people among members of this Kwarnas Kwarnari membership.
Mapinas chaired by Dr. Ir. Sukarno, President with Vice Chairman of I, lane II, IX and Vice Chairman Brigadier General Dr.A. Aziz Saleh.
Meanwhile in Kwarnas, lane IX serves as Chairman and Brigadier General Dr.A. Aziz Saleh as Vice Chairman and Chief Kwarnari.
Scout Movement was officially introduced to all the people of Indonesia on August 14, 1961 not only in the capital Jakarta, but also at important places in Indonesia. In Jakarta, some 10,000 members of the Scout Movement entered the Big Apple is followed by the march of development and procession in front of President and around Jakarta.
Before the parade / procession, the President inaugurated a member Mapinas, Kwarnas and Kwarnari, in state court, and convey grace and honor in recognition of National Scout Movement Panji Indonesia (Decree No.448 of 1961) which diterimakan to the Chairman of the National Kwartir, Sri Sultan Hamengku IX Lane shortly before the parade / procession begins.
Events introduction date of August 14, 1961 is then performed as DAY BOY SCOUT which commemorated annually by all levels and members of the Scout Movement

duced to all the people of Indonesia on August 14, 1961 not only in the capital Jakarta, but also at important places in Indonesia. In Jakarta, some 10,000 members of the Scout Movement entered the Big Apple is followed by the march of development and procession in front of President and around Jakarta.
Before the parade / procession, the President inaugurated a member Mapinas, Kwarnas and Kwarnari, in state court, and convey grace and honor in recognition of National Scout Movement Panji Indonesia (Decree No.448 of 1961) which diterimakan to the Chairman of the National Kwartir, Sri Sultan Hamengku IX Lane shortly before the parade / procession begins.
Events introduction date of August 14, 1961 is then performed as DAY BOY SCOUT which commemorated annually by all levels and members of the Scout Movement

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